Who provides services in DASC? The agency employs private investigators! Detectives come to the aid of our clients and provide a list of services with a professional approach. We can quickly and efficiently carry out the investigation (independent investigations for revealing the crime, internal corporate investigations, cyber investigations, informational and analytical investigation), search for a missing person (debtor tracing, relatives, tracing birth parents, friends, co-workers, establish subscribers mobile phone to find a contact of a certain person, which lost communication), data retrieval and verification of information, gathering of background information about the person (place of residence, family composition, phone number, etc.), information about the company (legal entity) or event. Our capabilities differ depending on the territorial basis of service provision. Use geofilter located right under the main menu. DASC Group Company offers its services on the basis of project outsourcing or subscription model.
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Private detective agency DASC professionaly provides next business services – competitive intelligence (business intelligence, market research or market segmentation producer establishment, the supplier, the study of the product and the company’s range – a competitor, including understanding and copying strategies and objectives), as well as services in the field of due diligence, checks of the Company, risk management, due diligence of business partners, contractors and facilities investment, gathering data of the Company’s assets. Private investigators of DASC detective agency use all available legitimate tools to obtain the information necessary to make the right management decisions, in order to avoid the adverse consequences for the Company’s customers (identifying unscrupulous suppliers). We can establish affiliates or companies, find assets, including hidden, both individual and business, suppliers, buyers, competitors, etc. Also private detectives of DASC will provide a list of security services, conduct inspection of staff (employment screening, background data, verification of documents authenticity (checking passports, VAT codes, diplomas, certificates, licenses, etc.), test purchases of goods, conduct an independent investigation of corporate issues (including checking for insurance fraud, double-dealing, bribery, theft, etc.), will carry out the fight against counterfeiting (reveal facts of illegal use of trademarks, brands), will provide services related to cyber security. DASC provides quality business services throughout all territory of Russia, Ukraine and CIS countries.
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You are suffering problems in family or at home, have lost connection with dear people, don’t believe in the fidelity of a loved one, want to know everything in your absence, want to keep family together, having the information “hunger” on personal matters? If yes, then you just need to order one of DASC confidential services. The scope of private investigations has gone far beyond the line of issues of a criminal nature, which is traditionally identified with its potential by those who haven’t ever had to deal with modern detective story. Evolving while time goes through, detectives are able to extend their capabilities to almost all aspects of society, offering the most popular and useful services. A large part of them are in the sphere of family relations, in which detective assistance may have essential and defining value. All the difficulties of family and domestic nature, including the possible situations involving family members, shall be settled by the confidential services of private detective agency DASC. Private questions may relate to domestic, administrative, criminal sphere, issues of material nature. Support of private investigators and services in this direction will help to establish the facts and events, their sequence and chronology, persons involved in the process. An important aspect is to find the evidence to establish the truth, to protect the Client’s rights and to legalize the results.
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One of the priorities of the detective agency is a search of wanted or missing people, as well as a search of relatives, friends and citizens. The work of private investigator consists not only in finding missing people or lost contact. There is also a category of informational search activities include such services of detective agency like data collection, all kinds of informational and analytical investigations and other confidential information retrieval services in Ukraine, Russia, CIS and Europe. Also DASC detective agency (private investigators of DASC) has extensive experience in conducting independent private investigations. It is not surprising, as many private detectives – are former employees of law enforcement bodies and special services of the Russian Federation and Ukraine and have all the skills needed to conduct investigations. Independent investigation of facts and events – one of the services of a detective agency DASC. Private detective will help in the investigation of the incident that occurred in your family or at work.
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DASC detective agency offers number of services within the framework of its professional activity in the market of screening services in Russia, Ukraine or CIS. Private investigators of DASC professionaly implements background investigations. In the course of work or because of the circumstances of life you may need information that relates to a particular individual. Detectives and analysts of DASC will help establish all necessary data relating to various spheres of person activity. Also private detectives of DASC agency sells services to verify the authenticity of various documents, which include passports of different sample, military cards, birth certificates, diplomas, driver’s licenses, tax documents, residence permits and so on. Collaboration of DASC private detectives and experts will ensure the validity of the document in any format, no matter in which country of the world it was issued. Modern facilities and cutting edge technology help DASC to confirm the authenticity of any document. One of the top sreening services is employment screening. We have developed modern methods of selection and screening candidates for employment. The screening of applicants consist of many checks for possible non-compliance risks. DASC detective agency can also conduct fingerprints examination of a person. This type of research relates to the forensic examination, the main purpose of which is to identify the person by skin patterns located on the palms and fingers.
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Security management is one of the most developed frameworks of DASC professional activity. We can act as your personal secret service, solving day by day any security issue you may face. For example, we can do assets investigation of any person in Russia, Ukraine and CIS. Detective Agency DASC provides services to find people who are involved in the management process of companies or take a part in the economic activities of legal entities. The work of detectives and other representatives of the private investigations will not only help to establish the identity of such persons, but also to reveal the extent of their influence on important decisions. Private detective agency DASC also provide quality services to identify the subscribers of fixed telephone networks or numbers of mobile operators. To achieve the goal agency do not uses illegal cooperation with representatives of networks. All actions are carried under the law and uses specially designed techniques that can be applied equally effectively in Russia, Ukraine and CIS. The development of information technologies leads to accumulating large ammounts of data and determines the relevance of such DASC service as cyber security. DASC detective agency has necessary qualified staff and is developing this market segment actively, realizing our professional opportunities. Mutually beneficial cooperation with DASC in this direction will be the key to ensuring a proper level of information integrity and data security. Another relevant service can be a help of a detectives in relationships with government and defence in public bodies. The work of state structures has its own specificity, which is characterized not only by the law, but unfortunately also by the bureaucratic costs. Every employee of our company has an experinence of working in the state law enforcement agencies, so we surely know all aspects and the shortest way to achieve the goal. Sometimes people are not able to make the right decision finding themselves in a difficult situation. For advice and assistance in resolving issues with government agencies you should contact DASC GROUP detective agency. Cooperation with the police and the courts is not possible without a knowledge of the law. Therefore detectives and lawyers of DASC will help you to determine the correct concept and build a line of conduct in cases where the personal interests charged. Part of our clients simply facing with a lack of desire or ability to help them by state institutions representatives, so we will help with implementation of the legitimate rights and freedoms.
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