Surveillance (visual surveillance, hidden surveillance) is a complex of actions from private detectives of DASC who are directed to identification of any facts connected with activity of the person (subject of outside surveillance). These actions are carried out by specialists of DASC detective agency within a legal framework only on open sections of the districts, public places and in all available places (parks, streets, cafe, restaurants, air terminals, railway and car stations, etc.). We are not carry out surveillance in apartment houses and rooms, in rooms free access to which is limited etc. DASC detective agency by forces of the private detectives of DASC Group make outside observation qualitatively, quickly and professionally. All actions made by the private detective are Legal and do not violate constitutional rights of citizens on private life.

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Private detectives from DASC detective agency, provides services of outside surveillance in the different purposes. The purposes of outside surveillance can be various, but all of them should not contradict the Legislation. Can be the main and widespread objectives:
- Surveillance over the minors (surveillance over the child), for the purpose of establishment of a way of life and a circle of contacts. The most widespread purposes of such outside surveillance are: identifications of the facts of the use of drugs by children and alcohol intake by them, identification not of visit of educational institutions (schools, technical training college, universities, etc.), identification of a circle of contacts with other minors or full age persons which are harmful influencing object, identification of the facts of harmful hobbies of the minor;
- Surveillance over the relative (to trace the person). surveillance for the purpose of identification in actions of relatives and other persons, some communications, hobbies. If the relative behaves strange, makes acts which are not subject to logical interpretation, perhaps he began to do drugs, consists in sect, is engaged in criminal activity, prostitution, got sick with a mental disease, etc.
- Surveillance over the person which is in issue or in business trip except change. The behavior of the employee or family member can be documented by forces of the private detective agencies providing service of outside surveillance;
- Surveillance over the house, the apartment or other room, is carried out for the purpose of establishment of the facts of visit of these rooms by persons, and also the occupation facts by any activity in these rooms. It can be sex brothels, narcotic sales points etc. Stationary points of outside surveillance can closely intertwine with other types of surveillance and shadowing;
- Surveillance over the employee, the employee, is carried out if the head or the owner of the Company suspected the subordinate of the facts of “double-dealing”, “information leaks”, “works on the competitor”, “violation of corporate rules and ethics”, etc., and also during corporate investigations;
- Surveillance over the competitor. This type of outside surveillance is carried out as competitive intelligence and obtaining data on work of the competitor which can form the basis for acceptance of the correct management decisions reducing risks or helping with business.
The types of outside surveillance provided by DASC detective agency:
- Hidden secret outside surveillance (the observer disappears from subject eyes);
- The ciphered outside surveillance (the observer near object, without hiding the presence, but issues the actions for not causing in object of attention);
- About use of audio, photo or video fixing and without fixing;
- Stationary, mobile, zone (territorial);
- Maintenance, meeting, advancing;
- Countersupervision (identification and suppression of surveillance from the third parties).
Surveillance from the private detective is a service or a method?
Outside surveillance can be extremely useful and is actual when carrying out private investigations. Having determined and having recorded the facts, the consequence receives tough and incontestable arguments for benefit of the proof of deeds. DASC detective agency within service of surveillance in Russia, Ukraine or CIS implements full functions with use of the organizational technical actions allowing to exercise surveillance and fixing of events by means of hardware. Completely equipped “crew” will be able to observe, quickly moving and providing high-quality process of fixing of materials in the form of a photo and video of data, and at visual contact the professional detective can conduct the ciphered surveillance, remaining unnoticed even nearby. At the same time DASC Group performs not only surveillance, but also specializes in mounting, adjustment and operation of systems of video surveillance, realizing their different modifications in practice. surveillance in all its manifestations is indivisible element of private investigation. Having provided high-quality process of surveillance, detectives of DASC will create base for fast accumulation of information in any field of activity.
In certain cases service of informative character presents interest not in the form of the specific analysis or surveillance, and by verification of presence of surveillance over your person. Such method of informative fight received the name countersupervision. Having found the shadowing fact, it is possible to prevent a robbery, attack or stealing of the vehicle. In addition, detection of the hidden surveillance by detectives of DASC agency can reveal interest in the company of law enforcement agencies, and also the facts of illegal collection of information of personal character with maintaining video or audio control.