Private detectives of DASC detective agency possess complete set of methods and acceptances for employment screening (check of applicants for vacant positions and the operating personnel in the Company). Employment screening is carried out for the purpose of detection of threats to the Company (explicit or potential) or compliances of requirements of the Company to the employees. These checks will help the managers of Company to create conditions for normal worker process and avoidance of excesses of different character. Employment screening – is an essential factor on decrease of entrepreneurial risks. DASC detective agency will check the information about the persons who are seeking for a job in the Company including foreigners. We check applicants for positions from Russia, Ukraine or CIS (ex-Soviet Union).

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The business concerns relating to the sector of small and medium business often don’t have their own security department. All problems connected with check and screen of an employee lay down on shoulders of either human resources or accounting departments. Such companies cannot brag of professional approach to selection and elimination of employees therefore they face different problems directly or indirectly connected with financial losses or violation of working process from time to time.
Threats from “bad employees” at the enterprise
There is a set of factors (threats, dangers) when the personnel can negatively influence working process and “pull” for different problems:
- Risks from an employee capable to do much harm to the Companies (double-dealing, financial or production espionage);
- Features of behavior and tendency to fraud, theft, game addiction, drug addiction, alcoholism, pathological lie;
- Availability of essential debts, credits, allotted legal procedures which the applicant or the employee hides from the employer;
- Negative facts of the biography capable to do much harm to the Companies. Negative characteristics from last work locations and study;
- Providing false data and biographical particulars at employment, forgery documents, diplomas about education;
Types of employment screening
Therefore private detectives and security officers of DASC detective agency, propose solutions for heads of the companies which do not have security department or possibility to screen employees from Russia, Ukraine or CIS:
- Obtaining references about structure of a family with straight lines contact the employee;
- Check on communication with competitors and ill-wishers;
- Check concerning violation of the Legislation, criminal records, a state of health;
- Check of a financial status, credits, stop-lists, legal claims;
- Check on last work locations and studies, to the place of residence. Polls and characteristic;
- Verification of passports, VAT codes, military IDs, diplomas and other documents;
- Creation of a fingerprint file of employees;
- Accounting of personal records;
- Empolees screening with use of lie detector (polygraph);
Domestic workers are also subject to screen
Domestic workers screening (applicants for vacant positions and the operating ones) can consist of background investigation of a person, screening by polygraph (lie detector), creation of a fingerprint file (dactyloscopic examination), etc. Besides, we have special service for the foreign businesses planning to open filials or branches in Russia, Ukraine or CIS. DASC detective agency offers professional recruiting services (high-quality human resources management, according to customer requirements). We can form your team and create a card file of personal records and the database of accepted workers.
Technology of screening by lie detector
Polygraph employment screening from detective agency DASC allows to reveal a number of data and to define the worthy applicant to any position. At a stage of testing authenticity of provided documents, test screening using a modern technique with use of a computer polygraph is suitable also. Electronic device equipped with the sensors allowing to fix the main characteristics of life activity of a human body, such as: pulse and its frequency, pressure, a tremor, sweating level, etc., allows to draw unmistakably conclusions about truthfulness of answers on set during the test. Their direction depends on a vector which is set by the customer and experienced polygraphologist of DASC formulates. Tests on lie detector are extremely effective, as at selection of applicants for a position of domestic workers, and in those situations, so far as concerns specialists with the specific level of requirements and knowledge or applicants on increase in a position. Employment screening allows to find out a true state of health of the person, to reveal tendencies and weaknesses, to define sincerity of intentions, to reveal problems with discipline. In addition, also these “areas of darkness” are available to all types of tests, except for a polygraph. It is about detection of tendency to theft and lie, establishment of true motives and intentions, motives which move the person. By means of the lie detector it is possible to eliminate people who cannot entrust work with children, to set people who do not separate corporate interests and pursue only own mercantile interests. Efficiency of application of the progressive testing methodology on a polygraph proved the right to existence in practice more than once and became one of the most popular in civilized countries of the World.