Due Diligence (a company check, verification of the company, information about the legal entity) is ademanded service by our customers, which consists of an analytical and practical collection of information about companies, institutions and organizations of Russia, Ukraine and CIS. Gathering information about the company is most often used as a test of the reliability of business partners, contractors, facilities investment and financing projects. Therefore DASC detective agency provides services for the retrieval of information on legal entities and the companies on the professional basis. We provide detailed reports of operations and registration data, commercial relations and affiliation of financial interests and the internal control in the company.

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The report about the company from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities of Russia, Ukraine or CIS. Questions that can be reflected in case of collection of information about the legal entity (check of the partner):
- General disclosure of information about the Company, complete registration data of the Company, certificate of incorporation and Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs;
- Physical persons and legal entities which have influence on activities of the Company (information of managing directors of the Company, officials, shareholders, founders, members of the board, family and other mediocre influence). Affiliates;
- Authorized funds, types of activity, bank details;
- The branches founded by affiliated enterprises, production capacities, a dislocation of a trade network;
- The list and names of fabricated, sold, imported or exported products, price policy;
- The characteristic, history, judicial arbitration, business reputation, bank stop-lists of the Company;
- Credit management (credit summary, credit risk management);
- Actual visits of objects of network of the Company;
Management of entrepreneurial risks, information about the legal entity.
Information about the Companies and legal entities of the Russian Federation, Ukraine, or CIS can be used for management of entrepreneurial risks (minimization of commercial risks) that allows to make the correct management decisions and not to be deceived on large deals during the work with new Clients. The reputation of the prospective client (partner) testifies to a possibility of working or not working with it for the purpose of preserving the reputation, assets and property or return of the credits and payment receipts for products. Product market relations develop in the conditions of today’s time in the World. The markets of regional and national scales which are filled with products of a domestic and import origin have already been created in each state. Various projects are started, goods are on sale and services of a different type are provided. Flow of investments increases every year for many times. With such a progress the number of unsuccessful projects and unfair partners grows. We strongly recommend to make check of the entities – partners before starting to work with new suppliers and buyers or invest resources in unknown projects. Check consists of assembling general information about the legal entity in the form of complete registration data and check of due conscientiousness of the Company (Due Diligence, DDG, DueD in Russia, Ukraine or CIS) and its financial wellbeing. For the purpose of management of entrepreneurial risks Due Diligence service, information search about the Company and information of the legal entity, as general check and target check of the Company is necessary in order for some deals didn’t become “fatal”.
Business reference of the company of a partner.
During the investment into the new project or shipment of goods to the prospective client, there is an opportunity not only to receive the extended business reference of the interested company, but also to receive the summary of credit assessments of the company. The business reference allows to carry out own analysis concerning prospects and risks in case of a cooperation with the interested company, issue of the credit to it, an insurance or shipment of goods in a post-pay terms. The summary of credit assessment of the company reflects independent professional opinion of DASC GROUP financial analysts, and includes assessment of credit rating of the company and information on the most recommended credit amount or maximum amount for shipment of goods for this company. We have developed the special algorithm of a risks assessment calculation intended for management of entrepreneurial risks generally (financial risk management, credit management), in the field of credit management and the commercial relations between subjects of business activities. Specialists, private detectives, experienced financial analysts, foreign affairs specialists, internal and external partners of DASC detective agency take part in development and maintenance of this service.
Information and analytical aspect of data about the company.
Search of data on the organization has the vector specified by the initiator. Through a prism of the filter we are collecting necessary data which can concern annual amounts of funds or deliveries, import or export, increase in prices or a binding of cost value to dollar exchange rate and many other quality and quantity characteristics. Work on data collection can be completed with the state-of-the-art analytical review. Thanks to graphical reflection of data information have more evident appearance allowing to reveal a tendencies and determine necessary priorities. Reviews of activities of the companies become more valuable from the point of long-term forecasts. Situational assessment in an adequate form can become a source of useful information based on which important decisions in the sphere of the conclusion of contracts, carrying out transactions, reorganization, applications of new decisions in the field of technology directed to decrease in cost value and increase in competitiveness and profitability of goods are made. All this allows to reduce risks and to estimate objective data which in a general flow are quite difficult for eliminating and excluding with naked eye. In addition, information analytics in the field of business is a push to development and can be sent to search for new partners, offtakers, clients, buyers, development of sector of the market or acquisition of investors. In each special case quite specific purpose is pursued and quite specific fields of activity, both the company, and directors, managers, line managers, etc. can also infringe on interests of the initiator.