A spread of counterfeit (fake) products have unfortunately become ordinary for our times. Today’s market is flooded with dubious quality goods which are usually have low quality level and lower (therefore more affordable) price. The process of fighting against counterfeiting is vital for competitive struggle and surviving for almost any mass market player. Service of identifying counterfeit may have both practical and analytical stages. In practice stage we use the methodology of finding and purchasing control parties of counterfeit goods, in analytic stage on the other hand – research of the market or its segments, monitoring process of sales areas. Anti-counterfeiting struggle is very actual nowadays and it is very useful service for any brand or trading company.

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Seizures of counterfeit goods.
DASC detective agency implements the service to identify, fight and withdraw counterfeit goods from a particular segment of the market in Russia, Ukraine and CIS. Both manufacturers and distributors can act in the role of the initiator of these activities, as well as any company or firm related to the brands which are faked and used in the sales of counterfeit goods. In other words, anyone who suffer from the presence of low-cost counterfeit products at the market is our potential customer. Low quality of counterfeit goods harms a reputation of a brand, forcing to initiate work on the identification of fake products and their withdrawal from the market.
Characteristic signs of counterfeit.
Characteristic features of counterfeit goods are:
- Unrealistically low price, which can not allow to conduct the legal production of products in the segment;
- Low quality of product, caused by downgrade of its composition and ingredients or violations of production technology;
- Sale of goods without license and quality certificate, which threatens the health of the buyers.
Identifying counterfeit.
In order to determine fake product and facilitate the removal of its turnover DASC detective agency can develop and bring into life next measures:
- Detection of counterfeit goods;
- Implementation of measures for the collection of fake goods data;
- The adoption of measures to seize counterfeit goods off shelves and warehouses.
Counterfeit product detection and collection of its data involve a number of test purchases of suspicious quality goods and their further examinations. Gathering information about the counterfeit product is an extremely important stage, which ultimately should provide the facts and data in a legal format for the investigation. We will gather the evidence base, which can be applied in courts and other state bodies.
Monitoring the market of counterfeit.
Monitoring mission may partly relate to the scope of e-commerce, which occupies most of the volume of sales nowadays. Combating forgery involves determining the persons who are the direct initiators and managers of the process of manufacturing of counterfeit products. Legalization of the information received during the investigation leads to the initiation of criminal proceedings in the police force and the adoption of legal decisions based on the facts available. Technology and methods of test purchases, operational activities and their nature can be modified, but all operations are carried out in the framework of the laws established in country where service occurs. The scale of purposes pursued by detectives and analysts of DASC detective agency may differ much. Removing a number of counterfeit products can have a regional dimension or the format of the national character, when counterfeit products will eventually be removed from store shelves and warehouses all across the country.