DASC detective agency offers a number of confidential services both for business and personal needs. You may have different reasons to keep certain affairs in secret, and in such situations you need someone to solve your tasks and keep everything unnamed. Confidentiality – is one of the main values of DASC GROUP detective agency and security company. We have been keeping hundreds of secrets of our Customers since 2010, and we are planning to do it furthermore. All personal and sensitive data is stored in secure encrypted database and is deleted after closing the deal.
Investigators Help
DASC detective agency have already helped many people from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and other CIS countries, Europe and the World with a solution of confidential questions. We secure. We rescue. We save. Main confidential questions in the family and household sphere which are trusted to us on permission:
- Solve family or personal problems and save your family;
- Avoid getting “on a hook” of the swindler and losing the material and moral benefits, caution of harmful effects;
- Be informed about the loved one, his or her way of life;
- Make the correct important decision which will bring personal or family benefit;
- Be calm for own family and its members;
- Save your secrets and confidential information;
- Reestablish lost communications between people;
- Collect information of discharge “the general informing”.
Your family’s own private investigator
DASC detective agency has an opportunity to offer only high-quality detective services for individuals. Considering specifics and sensitivity of questions which Clients ask our private investigators, we will suit each appeal especially and individually. Each person and in each family has such situations which require an urgent and not suspensive solution, it can be already existing family problem, for example, caused by an adultery or disorder of a family. And there can be a need for search of the native person with which touch is lost. And also services for decision making, for example, check and obtaining information on the person with which you are going only to begin to live and build a cell of society jointly – a family, to acquire property, to give birth to children and to live happily. In difference from other private detective agencies, DASC at first studies and understands a personal problem, and only then begins to work.
Therefore we dare to propose many solutions in the field of:
- Help in informing with different questions;
- Protection of family values;
- Protection of the property benefits and material property;
- Solution of personal problems;
- Establishment of relationship and paternity;
- Confidential assignments;
- Confidential data protection;
- Help in other spheres of the family and household plan.
General questions of private character
Private investigators of DASC detective agency are experienced specialists who served in state bodies and have baggage of professional skills and opportunities for a solution of any questions of private character. Work of the “family investigator” represents a solution of a complex comprehensive questions having various vectors. Family and household segment means availability of support of private investigation on a number of important issues of the problem resolution with children, and also difficulties in search of the worthy “second half”, identification of swindlers, services in the field of personal security, search of important and actual data, execution of confidential instructions. Actually the number of a common ground and edges of a modern format of private investigation, and family and household questions is provided by the whole complex of potentially possible aspects of cooperation. At the same time the private detective can offer implementation of linear services of investigation, and also the combinations made of actions which are directed to a solution of more complex challenges.
The services of the private detective connected with love, children and relatives
It is known that that life is not predictable. As for creation of the personal relations, the services of investigators connected with love, children and relatives can be formally separated:
- The services connected with “love”, the direction on identifications of harmful effects before official wedding as savings of property, moral and physical health;
- The services connected with “defects”, the direction on different detection of the information confirming or disproving respectability of the partner in the family relations;
- The services connected with relatives, or recovery the lost communication with them, and also obtaining the different information confirming or disproving some concerns;
Details of genealogical information – search of birth parents
Simply, the question of search of these biological questions could not but interest those who grew up in Orphanage or an incomplete family, clarifications of true circumstances on which they did not know one parent or at all were deprived of a family. The difficult questions demanding search of parents and relatives were (and continue to remain) actual for the family and household sphere. By means of DASC detective agency branches in Russia, Ukraine and CIS there will be an opportunity to glance in the past and to thumb through pages of history of own family by recovering the facts. Search of birth parents is one of demanded services of agency which accents the work on search of people. The acquired techniques and technologies allow to run effectively for search, despite of such aspects and difficulties as degree of prescription of events. The methodology of search work should not leave doubts in result with highest probability is reached due to application of the innovation technologies in the field of scientific researches of genomes of a human body. The probability of truth result which is provided by experts of DASC project functioning together with agency makes 99.9%, and, therefore, the error is almost excluded.
Secret of DNA examination and establishment of relationship
Despite of rather high density of the competition in sector of private investigation, DASC detective agency implements really unique services of extraordinary character, suggesting to carry out secret DNA expertizes on an anonymous basis. Their essence consists in verification of genotypes of different people, without the knowledge of the examinee, regarding establishment of coincidence (paternity). Procedure in itself from the scientific point of view has no revolutionary character while work in a complex with detective services is of interest and can be demanded in family aspect. If you have assumptions regarding paternity or motherhood, now it is possible to check their precisely. Representatives of private investigations department of DASC detective agency skillfully combine practical actions with scientific research for which carrying out fabric samples are necessary. Quite obviously their selection is made secretly from the examinee and process assumes in strict confidentiality. The specific actions assuming creation of the situations necessary for receiving samples are developed for achievement of the goal. In their quality it is accepted to use a buccal epithelium. Release of saliva glands does not mean pain and is natural process for life activity of a human body therefore work of detectives does not draw attention and remains unnoticed. On the basis of secret expert evaluations it is possible to confirm or disprove own doubts concerning availability of direct related connections, and also to set belonging to distant relatives.
Search and checks regarding marriage cheating and fraud
Finding “own half” is an important and responsible stage in life of each person, necessary for achievement of happiness and forming of the family center. However, to a great regret, not everyone treats love as the tool for creation of a family. Marriage swindlers trifle with affections of the “halves” deceived by them, pursuing own exclusively mercantile aims. In order not to fall a victim of swindle in which feelings will become a basis for benefit of the swindler DASC detective agency suggests to use services of our private investigators. In forces of specialists of private investigation check of the identity of the person, and also its belonging to swindlers. As operational actions analytical and practical opportunities of agency are involved. Private detectives carry out an inspection on the Gigolo and Prostitution data bases, full verifications of data on future spouse or future husband are made. As one of alternative options is implemented check of feelings. For this purpose provocative actions, for the purpose of manifestation of a true essence of the person are artificially created. It should be noted that search and identification of premarital and post-nuptial swindlers, regardless of a method of achievement of the purpose by them, is a delicate question. Its solution lies in the plane of search of balance between professionalism of detectives and reasonable sense. An important aspect of work of representatives of DASC is complete confidentiality and obscurity. It is difficult to revaluate a factor of need of carrying out confidential checks as in a case with true love and desire to find reciprocity of this sort actions can cause offense to the elect or the darling and to lie down for itself quarrel. Realizing importance and sensitivity of a question, private investigator becomes not only the professional detective, but also the competent family psychologist.
We learn everything about “soulmate”
The habit to suppress the unpleasant facts from the destiny and to conceal, perhaps, important information for the partner is inherent to many people. Detectives of agency will manage to learn for the Clients data from life of “soulmate”. At the same time we do not apply for borders of private life of the person which is protected by the law and we do not investigate marital infidelity even if it is about the premarital relations. Flirtation and manifestations of feelings are not included into competence of detectives of our agency. In certain cases people can provide completely not accurate information on themselves, intending to apply certain methods of fraud. In a number of situations the facts which differently are interpreted or purposely hidden are subject to distortion. Check of the elect or darling is not an obligatory measure, however in many situations helps to avoid troubles, addressing in the form of an insurance a design of the relations. By this service verification of the documental data and data received in an oral form is performed. In a number of circumstances, information obtained as a result can discover not only the new facts, but also intentions of “darling”.
Confidential assignments service for all family
Confidential assignments as well as possible is suitable for communication of the detective with family members. As all aspects of the household sphere at once can be referred to delicate questions, their execution demands special confidential approach. The different problems connected with the section of property, purchases, transportation and sending valuable loads, obtaining documents and necessary information about the person or object can enter a range of tasks of representatives of private investigation. Range of opportunities of private investigators from DASC detective agency can purchase lines of various linear services and a range of the multivector, compound actions built in a certain sequence and directed to a specific solution of the back of any family member. The real range of tasks and opportunities of DASC detective agency in Russia, Ukraine or CIS by the family and household relations can be much wider, allowing to resolve the mass of the private issues arising in the course of the relations between family members, society, interaction between subjects and the organizations. The appeal to agency will allow to build the most profitable and convenient format of cooperation on the flexible scheme of configuring of services and determination of their purposes, and also opportunities for execution.
Practice of confidential assignments for business
It is simply impossible to realize all types of service for legal entities in a business environment in uniform formats. A number of situations is characterized by the raised degree of sensitivity of the questions which are subject to permission and, respectively, demands special confidential approach. For this purpose in terminology of private investigators there is a format of confidential assignments – tasks which can be issued to the detective, having designated its purposes and a minimum of the persons devoted in an information field. Different business meetings and negotiations, maintenances of loads in the field of their sending and receiving have relations to such assignments including. The format of instructions allows to represent the interests of the Customer on the basis of the power of attorney and to resolve for it certain issues, visiting other enterprises and structures with the different legal purposes. Thus, services of a different orientation can be implemented with use of standard linear services or represent difficult structure of actions as a part of which the different opportunities of private investigators aggregated for the problem resolution of the client are collected.