DASC detective agency can conduct background investigations regarding any person at the territory of Russia, Ukraine or CIS and also implements the services of data search in the former Soviet Union. Need in collection of a person’s dossier can be caused by different factors. Background of a person is the comprehensive concept. It can consist of different search requirements and be general, as well as narrowed. Private detectives, analysts and search engineers of DASC detective agency will collect data on person on a professional basis. We can satisfy all Client’s needs but only within Legislations of a location where background investigation is carried out. Different resources can act as sources of data for background investigation.

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Main requirements to information sources of background investigations are their legality and availability regulated by laws (under legal framework) of the countries where events background investigations are held. Private detectives can perform such collection of data by analytical, practical and mixed work techniques. At an analytical stage of this detective stories DASC detective agency will “pull out” information from databases, registers, lists, parsing solutions, etc. Practical work means polls and telephone contacts, departure to the place of events.
Background investigations quite obviously possess the greatest efficiency with an integrated approach of mixing practical and analytical technique. Substantially productivity of work can increase with use of technical means of data search. We are successfully applying for this purpose polygraph (lie detector) and other expert researches. DASC detective agency manage to expand data array and to receive a number of necessary facts. You should not confuse background investigation to direct outside surveillance. Need of receiving and verification of information about the person (background investigation) can be caused by different reasons. It can be economic and financial interests, missing person tracing, identification of the reasons of change of behavior of children, determination of the facts from the past and many other aspects. The directions of background investigations (collecting of the characterizing or test data on people) can be different.
The directions of background investigations
There is a lot of directions, but the main of them are:
- Information on the actual residence;
- Information on related and friendly relations, marital status;
- Information on direct contacts (a phone number, the e-mail address, a profile in social networks);
- Information on participation in business activity (official, founder, shareholder);
- Information on the place of study, terms of training, work;
- Information on solvency, stop-lists, arbitration;
- Information on the actual appearance of the person (photos);
- Information on availability/lack of motor transport and real estate, other assets;
- Information from neighbors, colleagues, friends, acquaintances;
- Check of authenticity of the provided information and documents, diplomas and certificates;
- Check of certain facts from human life (data from antecedents);
- Data about change of a name, surname, floor, way of life;
- Check on a question of double-dealing, lie and deception on different questions;
- Check on participation in deeds;
- Check of women on occupation by prostitution, and men regarding a syndrome of “gigolo” or participation in “marriage swindles”;
- Check and collection of information about the partner or the competitor in order to avoid wrong solutions in financial questions;
- Verification of information on children, their behavior, way of life and other aspects;
- Check of credit history of the person;
- Information on availability/lack of criminal records.
However, it is only the small list of the directions in which background investigations by DASC detective agency is performed. Besides, this service is partially crossed with employment screening which are nowadays even more often demanded in the field of business. Undoubtedly, people can suppress the negative facts from the past and various negative acts. As the method of obtaining an interesting information characterizing the person we use check by polygraph (lie detector). It can be used for the purpose of check on many questions, and also detection of tendencies of the person to theft, a game addiction and other dependences.
Personal dossier, legal methods.
Private detectives will collect the file on the interesting person by means of carrying out analytical and practical actions upon the service of background investigation. Availability of the written permission from subject of investigation substantially facilitates work of DASC detective agency. In this case open activity of detectives becomes more effective, and also the number of data sources increases. This algorithm is acceptable at verification of information at acceptance of employment, or when checking darling before a contraction of marriage, etc. When secret selection of information on the person is demanded, private detectives of DASC use exclusively open data from available sources, without breaking a legal framework of that country in which collecting of data on person (background investigation) is made.
Background investigations services can differ considerably on data volume. The total characteristic will become the most capacious and volume, on the other hand answers to private questions will demand search of specific information. Addressing to DASC detective agency, the client can be sure that as a result of work – authentic and full data received justly – will fall into his hands. At the same time DASC Group guarantees complete confidentiality and will make secret data collection about which nobody else knows based on all the experience and professionalism.