Private independent investigations is a complex of analytical and practical actions directed to establishment of truth and chronology of events of the Client’s interest. Private detectives, field investigators, search specialists and analysts from DASC detective agency holds investigations in different spheres as it be internal corporate investigations for companies or detective investigations of facts connected with individuals including disclosure of crimes and collecting of proofs, investigations of insurance cases, establishment of relationship, investigation of the facts of data distribution to the Internet (IT investigation) and others. DASC detective agency makes high-quality private investigations on the basis of confidentiality.

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Main types of private independent investigations made by private detectives are:
- Information and analytical private investigations;
- Practical search private investigations;
- IT investigations on the Internet;
- Internal corporate investigations;
- Private investigations by means of a polygraph (lie detector) and other expert investigations;
- The joint investigations with law enforcement agencies directed to disclosure of crimes;
- Questions and problems of private investigations.
Questions and tasks which can be set when carrying out private independent investigations are different:
- Independent investigation on household questions, questions connected with identification of an adultery;
- Independent investigations of disappearance of a person;
- Investigations on criminal and administrative, civil and economic cases, investigation of insured cases, search of witnesses and eyewitnesses of an event, disclosure of crimes, search and collecting of proofs, material evidences, establishment of witnesses and eyewitnesses. Including disclosure of crimes without delay;
- Internal investigations of the facts of plunders of goods and money, information leakages, unfair competition and implementation of counterfeit products, double-dealing, corruption of subordinates at the enterprises, etc.;
- The IT investigations sent to information search in the Internet, investigations of the facts of distribution of false information on the Internet doing harm to reputation of the client or investigation of the facts of anonymous threats and distribution of false information to the Internet;
It is necessary to emphasize that independent investigations from detective agency DASC are called, first of all to consider interests of the Client. At the same time professional approach and detailed studying of all available materials, scrupulous private independent investigation of all collected facts and events will become an important step on the way to establishment of truth on each specific business. Finally the priority purpose of the private detective is the help the client by maximum protection of its rights. Any private independent investigation is sent to search and verification of the interesting information. Also it is a complex action consisting of a combination of different services of private detective agency DASC.
Actions of private investigations
As a rule, private independent investigation consists of a number of actions:
- Search of the proofs which are not found earlier and additional circumstances on business;
- Search of proofs of a crime of documentary character;
- Clarification of motives of commission of crime;
- Search and identification in the place of incontestable proofs and circumstances in each specific business;
- Search of people who were near at commission of crime and could act as witnesses in the case.
Before each independent investigation private detectives of DASC agency carefully study available facts of the case and than make the plan of search actions. For full value of investigation in the course of practical and analytical stages, detectives use professional skills received in law enforcement agencies. DASC detective agency performs the activity exclusively confidentially and within a legal framework of the countries in which investigation or its separate stage is made. Having experience, and also solid knowledge base specialists in IT technologies, detectives, analysts and experts realize the potential and try to obtain maximum effect at an integrated approach of permission of questions and tasks.
Result of investigations and legalization
Results of independent investigations are reflected in the obligatory report from DASC and in cases of need will become a source of incontestable data which the Client will be able to exploit including in state bodies. In some cases investigations in which government institutions are not involved allow to stop theft, to avoid information leakage, to elicit the facts of unfair competition, etc. Apply for help in DASC Group, and the result will not keep itself waiting long! If necessary received data will be legalized and can be used by the customer (initiator) for any legal effects.