Fingerprint examination (dactyloscopy) is a type of the screening examination studying a structure of papillary (skin) patterns of fingers and palms of human hands. Prints of papillary patterns are called fingerprints. It can be provided as separate screening service – introduction of a dactyloscopyc card file of employees as a method of safety of an enterprise for the purpose of decreasing in entrepreneurial risks, and also it is used during the independent investigations, namely disclosures of crimes and collecting of proofs. There is a possibility of obtaining fingerprints for the acquisition of nationality, employment and other effects necessary for the Client. Fingerprint samples is certified by the experts and DASC detective agency.

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It is known that each person is individual and does not repeat. Fingerprints (papillary patterns) at each person are individual and unique and throughout all life are invariable. Even close relatives have different papillary patterns. In this connection it is a fine method of identification of the person. Better and longer fingerprints remain on such surfaces as paper, photographic paper, plastic, metal, glass. These surfaces and objects throughout a long time can store on themselves prints of papillary patterns of fingers and palms of human hands and act as material evidences on different investigations, including on criminal cases. Fingerprint examination is a separate type of researches in system of criminalistic examinations and is engaged in recognition of the identity of the person on prints of integuments of hands. This fact gives the chance to fingerprint examination to identify the personality for certain, in case of such need. Fingerprint examination is requested during screening services and private investigations which are made by private detectives from DASC agency. This research gives the chance of establishment of certain persons and finding onsite commissions of crime, fixation of the fact of their contact with the crime tool, and also to set participation of the person in thefts, plunders, substitutions, wrecking and other actions. Especially actual cases where researches in the form of fingerprint examinations – theft, murder, robbery, etc. are applied. Certain citizens or the organizations quite often address to services of independent fingerprints research at the assumption of participation of any person in theft, penetration into the room or the safe, factual determinations of valuable things, documents for the purpose of confirmation of suspicion before declaring in law enforcement agencies.
Main questions which the forensic experts from DASC who are engaged in procedure of carrying out dactyloscopic examination will answer:
Questions of diagnostic character:
- What fingers left marks on the provided object, right or left hand;
- Whether there is any characteristic feature of a structure or status of a hand of the person who left a print (availability of a scar or a callosity, a skin disease, lack of a phalanx of a finger);
- Whether on hands of the person who left a mark, were foreign objects: rings, gloves, etc.;
- Determination of prescription of the left prints;
- Determination of age, sex and approximate human height which left a print;
- What is the made action which left these prints (pressing, a contact, blow or capture);
- What number of people was present on site incidents;
Questions of identification character:
- The studied prints are left by one person or several;
- Are there any traces on object, are they suitable for an identification;
- Whether the prints left belong to the particular person (persons).
Fingerprints examination takes about 70% of all carried-out criminalistic expertizes. In case of right fixation and withdrawal of prints from the place of the committed crime, disclosure of a crime even after some time of date of its commission is possible. This procedure is performed by the experts with availability of higher or secondary vocational legal education got in legal Higher Education Institution. Besides, for carrying out high-quality examination of fingerprints the forensic expert should have profound knowledge in the chosen specialty, competence and extensive working experience of work, in addition to thorough ownership of skills and techniques in the field of dactyloscopy. Among private investigators of DASC detective agency work honored forensic experts in the direction: dactyloscopy (fingerprints and palms of human hands) and trace analysis (examination on studying of traces) which possesses complete set of tools and skills for work in the field of dactyloscopy and to the adjacent directions. Our specialists will be able to print fingers even from the most “difficult” surfaces as in it “an expert suitcase” only the best and modern criminalistic equipment. In difference from experts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Ukraine or CIS who use graphitic powder of a domestic production our experts uses special dactyloscopic mix and brushes allowing to reveal traces and to fix them. The greased and old fingerprints which criminalists of law-enforcement bodies do not even consider as these prints are not suitable for them are object for identification to us.
Fingerprint examination is the isolated class of researches and is located on the certain place in system of criminalistic examinations. An objects of research during dactyloscopic examination are traces and experimental prints, research of copies of traces of the corresponding quality, and also the mechanism and conditions of formation of prints.
During process of identification of traces we originally use various visual methods of detection of traces, and then their processing using specially fulfilled physical and chemical methods for identification of invisible prints on the studied object – that also enters process of carrying out fingerprint examination and surely displayed in the expert opinion. Also for the purpose of safety of prints on objects it is important to pay attention to packaging to avoid deformation or damage at possible transportation. In establishment of participation or non-participation of the suspected person in the committed crime, namely the conclusion of fingerprint examination will allow to make a final decision. An essence of carrying out this procedure is withdrawal of traces and establishment of all involved persons to a certain incident. Main goal of carrying out dactyloscopic examination for the client is receiving of the conclusion of the forensic expert after carrying out examination which is provided in court as the proof of guilt or innocence of the particular person during disclosure of a criminal offense and also as indisputable convincing argument in private conflict situations.
Presence of an internal card file of fingerprints of employees is widespread in large and medium-sized companies. Creation of such card file ensures in a certain measure safety during the work with inventory items and considerably can facilitate a task and time for carrying out fingerprint examination, comparison of results with the available samples when carrying out in corporate independent investigations. The card file can be created in classical option in the form of papers, and in digital with use of the scanner of fingerprints with the subsequent entering of results into the database of the enterprise. DASC detective agency provides such service. Besides, from experience, availability of the file with fingerprints of employee is an excellent psychological factor which will stop the unreliable worker from plunder commission on site of the work. If there was a plunder at the enterprise, it is possible to define whether the person “worked” in gloves after processing of surfaces – that will significantly low the circle of suspects.