Data search and verification is one of the most demanded services of DASC detective agency. We specialize in data search not only in Russia and Ukraine, but in other CIS countries also (Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan). DASC detective agency will carry out data search and an inspection of information which can concern different questions. Professional analysts, searche engineers and private detectives perform data search from different sources, information analysis, practical and analytical verification of data, systematization of information which interests the Client. Information (analytical and practical) services, data search in Russia, Ukraine or CIS is performed on a professional basis as special service. Verification of information by specialists of DASC detective agency is expedited quickly and qualitatively.

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Data search and verification are actions directed to obtaining information from different Legal sources and check of accuracy of any information.
Separate persons or legal entities (Companies), groups of persons and legal entities, events and different data can be objects of data search. Data search and test actions can concern as separate persons and legal entities (people and enterprises), their groups (different search criteria), and different activities, events and data. Problems of data search and verification can differ enormously from each other, whether it be exact information on a person, or selection about legal entities on certain criteria. Report generation happens depending on tasks and requirements agreed with the customer (whether it be in the form of the exact and checked data, or in the form of the list selected by certain criteria). Data search and verification can be analytical, practical or mixed. We can act in the form of the laborious analysis and systematization of data or perform practical work, such as polls, conversations, call-downs, outputs in the place, etc. Private detectives of DASC detective agency will execute data search with professional approach using only law permitted sources. In case of need we will develop the scheme of legalization of the acquired information for presentation it in different public bodies, including a court.
More difficult and multi-level data search and verification is the information-analytical investigation provided as separate service related to private independent investigations of DASC detective agency. DASC detective agency can perform the analysis of collected data, systematization of information within system of complex analytical and practical work. In addition we provide the report with the certain information contents convenient for further work in the form of a databank.
There are types of information which are provided directly to the contractor, whether it be private detective agency, certain private detective or other organization which is engaged in data search (data collection). On quantity and quality of initial data depends both the cost of actions and process of helding events. Sources can be different, but private detective should analyze and understand the risks and essence of received data.
Types of information have own classification. Let’s consider the most main types:
By the amount (volume) of data: • Extensive: The complete data that can be confirmed or disproved; • Sufficient: Data enough for complete implementation of a combination after its minimum processing and analysis; • Minimal: Such data needs to be analyzed qualitatively to obtain additional information to carry out further collection of information; • Insignificant, or absent: The actual absence of minimal data, insignificant clues and assumptions which are to be checked and if will find confirmationscan guarantee result and will help to find more important information;
On quality (reliability): • Checked or exact: Possession of such information is the key to success of implementation of the tasks. Information which is exact and not debatable. Specific information on dates, facts, names, contacts etc.; • Not checked or doubtful: Information which is not exact or checked. This information can be obtained from different sources, such as rumors, talks, assumptions, etc. Such information undertakes in attention only after carrying out its obligatory check; • False: This information type takes a form of false, only after verification of not checked or doubtful information. Can take a form of false entirely or partially. In further actions for data collection this information is not considered;
On the carrier: • Verbal: Information is obtained according to people which to be stored in their memory and accurately summarized for further work; • Documentary: Information which is contained in documents, historical records and in different informational statements. Has the highest force from verbal. Can be a result during verification of verbal information; • Photographic: This type is considered as data type only in cases when it is necessary to find information connected with images on a photograph or on historical records and documents, containing photographic images of the person, place, event; • Electronic (on the Internet): This type, is considered as a type of information only in cases when it is necessary to perform information search in traces left on the Internet or this information is coherent directly or indirectly with search actions in a network;
Necessary processings and checks: • Ready to work without processing and check; • Not demanding processing, the analysis and check, allowing to assume itself as a basis for the information conclusions; • Demanding processing or check; • Demanding processing, the analysis and check, allowing to be taken only after that into account that with its help it was possible to find proofs; • Not having a possibility of processing and check; • Information which cannot be analyzed and checked. It is possible to use as free information, but not to assume as a basis for the information report at all;
Data search on the Internet in special algorithms: Search with special search software by built-in search algorithms allowing to look for information in close parts of the Internet that common search engines like Google or Yandex are not able to find.
Cyber investigations: Carrying out cyber investigations, receiving, check and recovery of data on the person by e-mail, profiles in social networks, at specific forums etc.
Information on the subscriber of communication: Identification of the subscriber of mobile communication and stationary telephone number, bindings to pages on social networks;
Search of a phone number of the person: establishments of contact mobile or stationary telephone number of the person;
Search of location of the subscriber: Search of location of the subscriber of mobile communication in any country of the world and the continent. And also establishments of a place of registration and arrangement of stationary phone numbers;
Search in different registers: There are state data bases covering some fields of activity. Such bases – an excellent source. Is enough with information time from these sources for execution of all search purposes;
Documentary and official confirmations of information: Collecting of the official proofs confirming or disproving any information within search actions.