Specialists of DASC detective agency are ready to represent the interests and provide help in bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and prosecutor’s office and in any state organizations in the territory of Russia, Ukraine or CIS (representation of interests and execution of the instructions connected with state organizations of the different ministries and departments). Bodies of the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and other are within the competence of DASC detective agency. Specialists will resolve matters of argument with law enforcement agencies, monitoring bodies. Experienced registrars will find necessary information in archives and Registry offices of the Ministry of Justice on means of representation of your interests. You can rely on competence and skills of our specialists in negotiation and representations of interests in state organizations.

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Legal aid in police and prosecutor offices in Russia, Ukraine or CIS
DASC detective agency will help with a qualitative consulting or practical legal aid in law enforcement and state bodies in Russia, Ukraine or CIS, will provide the experienced lawyer for representation of interests of the Client in investigating authorities of militia and police, prosecutor’s office and another state organizations. Former employees of state bodies and law-enforcement system (police, prosecutor’s office, state security service) work in our detective agency therefore they are familiar with specifics of work of such bodies as nobody and can give a significant legal aid in police and prosecutor’s office in Russia, Ukraine or CIS. Solve the complex problems which arose because of interaction with law enforcement authorities.
Often when addressing to state bodies, citizens and the enterprises expect their help and reactions, but as a result remain dissatisfied with actions and decisions made according to the statement or appeal. Though in a considerable measure, it coherently with unwillingness of investigators, and also staff of prosecutor’s office to react to the statement or with the wrong follow up for statements and addresses. Therefore DASC detective agency carries out consultation of the Clients and helps in drawing up statements, appeals, complaints to state bodies and organizations. Besides, our lawyers are ready to represent the interests of Clients – subjects of business activity when carrying out checks by the state and law enforcement agencies. We will help the Clients to investigative checks and investigations by bodies of police prosecutor’s office, will affect correctness of made decisions. Will carry out interactions with law enforcement agencies on different questions, will provide the experienced lawyer as the defender and the legal representative on criminal cases, judicial proceedings and representations of interests in Russia, Ukraine or CIS.
Representation of interests in bodies of Ministry of Justice, in archives and registry offices of Russia, Ukraine and CIS
Representation of interests in the archives and registration offices relating to components of Ministry of Justice are possible on means of service of specialists of DASC detective agency. It is possible to find and obtain information from regional and city archives concerning people, events and other with our help. Also the help can consist in obtaining copies of certificates of birth, death, defects without arrival to Russia, Ukraine or CIS, on means of the notarial power of attorney. Our specialist will receive the copy of the document necessary to you, will be able notarially to assure, to translate it in the accredited translation agency, verify in the Ministry of Justice and after send to your address. It is convenient not only for residents from other regions, but also for citizens of other states or persons living abroad. For obtaining such helps, copies or statements about acts of civil status you need to arrive at desired location, wait for the answer several days that can be unprofitable and unreasonable. Trust, we will receive the necessary document, for example the copy of the certificate of birth, and we will send it to your address by international transport or courier company.
Receive state services without participation on that, not an exception are such cases when the prospective client cannot arrive to Russia, Ukraine or CIS. The service provided in any state organization. Also the number of the listed above departments and divisions is not exhaustive. In case of need the specialist of DASC detective agency will be able to be representative and to receive from your name: statements, helps about non-conviction (criminal record) in the Ministry of Internal Affairs system, statements from a military registration and enlistment office, statements from archives, statements from house registers, cemeteries and other utility enterprises, different references, for example, about nationality, structure of a family, the copy of certificates of birth, about death, about defects. Separate point is collecting of a document package for obtaining nationality, opening of visas.