Thanks to skills of private investigators who work in DASC detective agency in Russia, Ukraine or CIS, by tools of specially developed systems we will be able to set a phone number of the subscriber of a cellular (mobile) and fixed communication (mobile and city telephone numbers). DASC detective agency suggests to use this security service as addition to the other categories: missing persons tracing, data search and verification of information, when carrying out independent or background investigations, cyber investigations, at prevention of marriage swindles, etc. Private investigators from DASC detective agency in Russia, Ukraine or CIS are able to perform an identification of the person who uses number of mobile communication by available resources.

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Learn whose phone number
This service is not illegal as private detectives do not use registers of mobile operators and make information and analytical investigations and collect information only from open sources or Internet. We do not resort to use of traffic and communication details. Do not pull out information from private offices of mobile networks, etc. So we ask you not to confuse service in establishment of number or the subscriber to “services” of some “detectives” and “detective agencies” of the trading of records of outgoing calls and texts of SMS messages. We do not provide such services!
By phone – we will receive the address. Our service desk
Besides, private investigators of DASC detective agency from Russia, Ukraine or CIS skillfully use a combination of the search actions directed for establishment of places where city (stationary) phone numbers with further identification of subscribers are registered, working by the principle of the service desk allowing to find number quickly, interesting person or the Company – the legal entity, its office, branch or another location. Detectives can check what subscriber is assigned according to number.
Possibilities of work with a phone number
Private detectives suggest to find contact number by global search using specially developed algorithm:
- Find the person (to identify the personality) according to number of the mobile phone;
- Find the person (to identify the personality) or the Company on whom the city (stationary) phone number is registered;
- Find the address where the city (stationary) phone number is registered;
- Find number of the mobile phone of a certain person;
- Find a city (stationary) phone number of a certain person or the Company.
Find a phone number of the person
If you look for the old acquaintance, relative, friend or the colleague or just necessary person, you have initial information and you want to call him and to please remind of yourself, and you have no contact telephone number, then private investigators form DASC detective agency in Russia, Ukraine or CIS will help you to organize telephone conversation with the person interesting you with pleasure. Also this service of private detective agency can be demanded at investigation of crimes and search of the disappearing swindlers, criminals and other persons. More than once it helped with cases of investigation and identification of marriage speculators which issued themselves for other persons. DASC detective agency will set the person who uses mobile number or a stationary phone number, will be able to develop a combination of actions for the purpose of verification of information obtained in analytical way.
Need of search of telephone number can be caused as loss of the most mobile phone with this card, and possible change of the residence. In this case service of search of number is combined with an identification of the person and determination of its location. According to the similar scheme and technology it is possible to find the secret admirer who bothers with calls or the malefactor representing potential danger.
Telephone numbers and payment service providers
In the conditions of positive dynamics of development of wide area networks, the considerable share of payments is made in the form of non-cash payment with use of attributes of bank cards. Active application of accounts allows swindlers to use data of the third parties and to perform transfers which, in fact, are plunder of money. At the same time often for carrying out transaction speculators need 16-unit unique number of the card, term of its action and cvv the code specified on a reverse side. The only catch allowing to open “cybercrime” is the phone number on which the special SMS message arrives. Search of the owner of a phone number can be demanded within carrying out cyber investigation for the purpose of identification of the persons who made illegal actions on the Internet. In this case search of a phone number is part of a multi-level combination of the actions directed to achievement of an effective objective. Activity of swindlers can be shown also in the form of calls on certain number under the guise of the employee of bank with the purpose to obtain data on a SMS message without which it is impossible to withdraw funds of the card where the binding of number of the mobile phone is performed. Such calls nowadays not a rarity and as the statistics testifies, 50% of card owners go Collection of information according to number of a telefon to an occasion at swindlers and report confidential data that leads to loss of financial resources. Search of information about speculators in phone numbers – one more activity of representatives of private investigation of DASC detective agency in Russia, Ukraine or CIS. At the same time our methods allow to hold events for determination of numbers and their owners in the legal plane without participation of the company representing the mobile operator. Services in establishment of subscribers of stationary and mobile networks represent the international scale and ample opportunities are provided.