DASC detective agency is a recognized industry leader in the market of private investigations in Russia, Ukraine and CIS, all around the territory of former Soviet Union. We are simply unbeaten in data search or missing persons tracing and it is not surprising as the best search engineers, cyber analytics and data collectors work in DASC GROUP detective agency and security company. We can find anything and anybody, the only questions is time and price. Provide to us all initial data you have and we will do the rest. Pay and enjoy the magic.
The services of private investigators from DASC detective agency connected with establishment of truth in life
Occasionally in life there are such situations when it is impossible to trust somebody, even once close and dear people become enemies. Best friends and former spouses want to take away everything from the companion and the loved one, crossing all borders of a reasonable framework, resort to black and dirty methods. Therefore, DASC detective agency is ready to protect you and your relatives carrying out investigations on household questions in Russia, Ukraine or CIS.
Darling from a social network was gone? Let’s find her and identify the personality
Dating via the Internet gains popularity and become efficient search of the partner in life. Undoubtedly the huge audience of users of a wide area network gives opportunities and perspectives for large-scale search of necessary person. Dating services and marriage agencies are organized for this purpose. The number of love stories in a network just reads off scale, however not for all they have happy end. Search of person and correspondence time enter one of its participants into delusion, paving the way for the forthcoming swindle. Many premarital schemes of fraud do not assume personal contact for the sake of which organization “soulmate” asks to transfer funds or uses other options of obtaining benefit. Actually there are many reasons for which the initiator appeals to private investigators to make peculiar IT investigation and to find suddenly disappeared interlocutor. Some people manage to become attached to many secret strangers existing only in a virtual form, awarding them with those qualities and characteristics which look for in the partner in life. As a results of work of DASC detective agency it opens different circumstances and allow to place all points over “i”. Among the received data not only technical parameters (IP addresses and domains of input computers, the country and the region), but also in most cases the identity of those who stand behind the similar facts of communication. Quite often it happens so that the family detective should open and “untangle” difficult cybercrimes.
Resolution of problems with minors
DASC detective agency gives help in a solution of family problems connected with behavior of children. Supervision over teenagers is secretly performed by private investigators therefore does not cause damage to mentality and cannot influence deteriorations in relationship with parents, trustees. Control of children outdoors is performed at the request of parents who receive the detailed reference about:
- Places of visit (where the child, the teenager, the son, the daughter goes);
- Circle of acquaintances (to define with whom the child, the teenager, the son, the daughter communicates);
- Addictions (whether the child, the teenager, the son, the daughter uses drugs, alcohol whether the child, the teenager, the son, the daughter has intimate relations);
- Skipping classes at school, institute, university, academy;
- Supervision over the child on actions (fixing of behavior of the child on a trip, on vacation, a graduation party, and also the remote control if the child lives in other city, for example, in the hostel or on the apartment).
DASC detective agency will give the parent full-fledged help in control of their children. Will determine and will record the facts of the use of drugs, sexual relations, alcohol intake, tobacco smoking and other negative behavior of the child outdoors (on the street). And also will define a circle of contacts of the child, the status of the company in which he or she spends time. Will define and will identify the full age persons who are harmfully influencing the child. If concerns about criminal activity, the uses of drugs or alcohol, communications in “the bad company” will be confirmed, private investigators from DASC detective agency will develop the action plan at which implementation, the child itself without understanding the reason will be forced to turn away from the bad company and harmful addictions. If you send the child to rest, private investigators will quickly help with supervision over the child in camp, boarding house, sanatorium in the different cities of Russia, Ukraine and CIS.
Supervision over children – the effective tool for parents
Growing up of children is inevitable process of evolution which assumes growth together with which also the problems connected with education of offsprings, permission of their problems are multiplied. At all desire parents cannot take part in life of the growing-up child for all 100%, and therefore emergence on its course of life of negative persons can be the cause for emergence of addictions, apply a print on formation of the personality and character, change a line of conduct of the teenager, lead, finally, to deplorable effects. To avoid a tragic result and the started situations, DASC detective agency suggest to take life of own child under control and to help not to make mistakes in permission of vital tasks, important for themselves at this stage. Supervision over children assumes the hidden external surveillance which is directed to obtaining data, important for parents. Without interfering in private life of the child and, without drawing attention, private investigator of DASC detective agency will be able to set the places visited by the child, a circle of friends and acquaintances in which the teenager spends time. In addition, the fact of availability of addictions, establishment of actual reasons of problems, availability of an external negative impact can be the purpose of the detective. Taking into account dynamics of increase of number of sects and the terrorist organizations, this aspect can be taken in attention.
Support services of DASC detective agency for business
Why these information services we call auxiliary? Everything is very simple because these services do not belong to services for business in general, but their skillful execution can obtain such information which will serve as importance for the Company. Occasionally such services belong to services for individuals more, but nevertheless are applied also in business. Also they are classic services of the private detectives. In a number of situations the help to business is possible in a format of specific services of detective character which representatives of DASC detective agency can successfully provide to the Clients. So, for example, detectives can act as organizers of any negotiation processes, and in the presence of the official power of attorney from the initiator to act as the persons representing the interests of the Client. In addition, detectives will be able to reveal availability of affiliation and its degree, to help with search of particular persons who have the corresponding opportunities. Video and photo facts provided to the Client can also be an example of services of auxiliary character which there can be a great variety. For example:
- Search of people for the Companies though search of people is a service of private detective agency, more for individuals;
- Collection of information about person, very essential service in the field of personnel safety and check of personnel;
- Outside surveillance (shadowing), within corporate investigations.
Search of people, outside surveillance, collecting information about the person investigations services for business
Search of the person can be carried out for the benefit of the Company, the most widespread purposes of search of people for business are:
- Search of former employees, communication with which is lost (for example, for cooperation resuming);
- Search of shareholders, search of founders of the enterprises with the different purposes (for example, for share purchase or a share of the Company);
- Search of owners of real estate objects or owners of the land plots (for example, for acquisition of these objects) – occasionally is fulfilled the whole shareholder registers or owners of the land plots;
- Search of the disappearing debtors or workers caught stealing;
- Search of people, during internal investigations in different directions.
Outside surveillance for the Company to be made by private detectives, also qualitatively, as well as on family and household questions. Most widespread directions of outside surveillance for business are:
- Surveillance over the person which is out to business trip. Such surveillance will let know whether the employee executes qualitatively the functional duties, whether it gives all the best “on all hundred” what to achieve the objects set by the manual. Being in a distance from the Main office of the Company – whether meets “unnecessary” people and whether deals doubly?;
- Surveillance over the employee is carried out if the head or the owner of the Company suspected the subordinate of the facts of “double-dealing”, “information leaks”, “works on the competitor”, “violation of corporate rules and ethics”, etc., and also during internal investigations;
- Surveillance over the competitor. This type of outside surveillance is carried out as competitive intelligence and obtaining data on work of the competitor which can form the basis for acceptance of the correct management decisions reducing risks or helping with business.
Data search
Need of obtaining data in business segment or data of analytical character can be caused by difficulties in a company performance, new requirements, conditions of competitive environment, appearance of dishonest partners etc. DASC detective agency will manage to collect successfully all necessary data, having resorted to practical and analytical techniques of search and even search by means of partners which there is a considerable quantity in all CIS countries and to regularly bring them to the Customer in a necessary form.