Any market consists of supply and demand. The market of detective services, as well as regional in the Crimea, Moscow, Kharkov, or on a national scale in Russian Federation, Ukraine and even foreign trade market in the CIS and in Europe as a whole are not exceptions to this rule. Let’s take an example of Russia and Ukraine. The number of private detectives in Russia and Ukraine is growing every year. But detective services are provided both at the proper level and not qualitative. In addition, there is a market of illicit services of private investigators, which should not be given at all, but are provided by certain individuals:
Segment A) Low-quality services of private investigators, so-called «black market». To provide such a service, private detective does not need any particular skills. Often the provision of such services is a violation of law committed by a latent crime. We are talking about next services: details of telephone conversations, information from communication channels (illegal wiretapping), installation of technical equipment for the collection of information in the room or car (bugs) and so on. This market segment is two times or more smaller than segment B). DASC does not provide such detective services to its customers at all.
Segment B) Average statistical services, the so-called “gross segment”. These are services of private investigators and detective agencies which are increasingly shaping the market of private investigation. They are provided up to 70 percents of detectives in various degrees of quality and performance. If we talk about the middle and upper boundaries of this segment, the provision of such services requires some detective skills and professionalism. DASC provides services in “gross segment” only in the middle and upper boundaries, but still selectively refers to the reception of the orders, guided by an interest in the implementation and availiable budget.
Segment C) High-quality and sophisticated detective services with an interesting algorithm of implementation and multi-step procedures. Offering such a services demands peak investigation skills of the performer. Demand, as well as a proposal for such detective services is about 10 percents of the total market. Such services can not be provided by any private investigator or agency. Only about 7-10 percents of detective agencies and bureaus are qualified enough to perform such implementation. DASC endeavor to take orders relating specifically to this market segment. Such detective services are quite expensive.