DASC detective agency offers the service “Search of Birth Parents and Relatives” at the professional level. With ample opportunities in the field of collecting and receiption of information from archives, competent specialists and experience of private investigations, agency successfully implements the potential in this segment of market, where every year demand only increases and the number of clients who needs to find the birth parents or relatives for the different reasons and circumstances grows. Search of birth parents and relatives is demanded by the large category of the population, and it is not accidental. Only at the territory of Russian Federation are about two million people who do not know their parents and were adopted.

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Search of mother, father and other dear people is a “Charitable service”. Many children grew in families, even without suspecting that they have no fact of biological relationship with adoptive parents. In some cases children conduct search of birth parents even after their death to set the relationship with a family and respectively to find relatives. In certain cases search of relatives communication with whom have lost is caused by need. Treatment of some diseases demands bone marrow transplantations or founder cells when only biologicaly close people can come to the rescue. In addition, in difficult situations information about a health status of birth parents is necessary for healing. DASC detective agency will be able to help those who learned about existence of children and decided to find them. Quite often biological parents makes a decision to look for the children whom they refused some time ago in view of critical situation. Many people trying to break through information blockade independently by searching of parents, asking for the help in social networks, making out a set of requests. However efficiency of such aproach can wish the best, and in most cases it will simply not be possible to find the clues necessary for achievement of the goal. The detective agency DASC offers full range of services in this direction, allowing to reveal secrets of relationship and to learn truth. Our work in the field of private investigation is projected in the direction of search of people. These services are crossed with search of birth parents, available experience and opportunities will become a key to all doors which will need to be opened to pass a difficult way to success.
Placing an order in DASC detective agency, the client can be sure that search of natural mother, father or other native persons will begin without delay. We are interested in effective achievement of an objective taking an individual approach to a solution of each question. The search method of DASC detective agency is excessively wide and have already been tested in practice many times. We can research data and investigate events that took place up to 80 years ago. Our detectives will be able to carry out operational work of data search in registry offices, maternity hospitals, the Ministry of Justice and various archives. The geography of activity of the DASC company allows to perform search in all territory of Russia, Ukraine, in the countries of the former Soviet Union and also CIS. Search works consists of two stages: analytical and practical. To find the necessary information analytics and specialists in IT technologies will carry out contrastive analysis of databases to receive the information about people, the place of their accommodation other additional information. The practical stage includes the organization of meetings, trips and specific search actions directed to achievement of an objective. The most difficult and effective search is performed by mixed technique assuming complex work of search specialists and analysts. If necessary DASC detective agency will perform search of biological parents and relatives with confirmation of DNA examination.
What is necessary to start search of birth parents?
Only the detective agency can run high-quality and effective search of birth parents and relatives. Considering helplessness of public services in permission of the matter and small probabilities of success of do-it-yourself investigation, services of DASC detective agency are quite demanded and actual. Several factors aggravates a situation for the customer. First, many detective agencies do not undertake search of birth parents at all, preferring not to work in this segment of services. And, secondly, negligibility or total absence of initial information can become a cause of failure from the organizations performing private investigations. Undoubtedly, search of birth parents can be even more difficult and confusing process than simple search of people. However experience and possibilities of DASC detective agency allow to provide these services with a minimum of basic data. Photo and video records, electronic documents and even oral information can act as initial data for search. In most cases all information components are subject to check. And only after we would be convinced of accuracy of the data, it is possible to open new circumstances and to progress in search. Thanks to competence and professionalism of our search specialists, we will be able to reveal a secret of adoption and return the lost bonds. Even if required parents are already dead, we will be able to find the closest relatives, if necessary prove your similarity by means of the expert opinion at the genetic level. In addition, DASC detective agency performs search of relatives, including even the most distant, and also you will be able to find out in detail the roots and to obtain exhaustive information concerning relationship.